
There are a few different ways to say “to think” in French. You can use verbs like “penser,” “songer,” “réfléchir,” “croire,” or “considérer.”


Penser means “to think.” It is related to the English word “pensive,” someone who is thoughtful or in deep thought. It can be used with “à” to mean “to have in one’s head,” as in “je pense à la lune” (I’m thinking about the moon). Or it can be used with “de” to mean “to evaluate/have an opinion of,” as in “qu’est-ce que tu penses de ce film ?” (what do you think of/what’s your opinion of this movie?).


Songer means “to think” and also “to dream” or “to daydream.” “Je songe à m’installer à Paris” (I’m thinking of moving to Paris), or “l’élève songe souvent pendant la classe” (the pupil often daydreams during class).


Réfléchir means “to think,” “to reflect,” or “to ponder.” You can say “il réfléchit toujours avant de parler” (he always thinks before speaking), or “réfléchis à ce que je t’ai dit” (think about what I have told you).


Croire means “to believe,” but also “to think” in the sense of believing something. You could ask “croyez-vous en Dieu ?” (do you believe in God?) or “je crois qu’il arrivera demain” (I think/believe he’ll arrive tomorrow).


Considérer means “to consider,” but it can also mean “to think,” as in “je le considère comme un ami” (I think of him as a friend).

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