Adjective: paresseux


“Paresseux” is a French adjective used to describe a person or thing as “lazy” or “idle.”

Corresponding Noun

“La paresse” is a related feminine noun that means “laziness,” “sloth,” or in a medical context, “sluggishness.”

Gender & number

The adjective “paresseux” takes on different forms depending on the gender and number of the noun it modifies.

  1. Masculine Singular: “Paresseux”
  2. Feminine Singular: “Paresseuse”
  3. Masculine Plural: “Paresseux”
  4. Feminine Plural: “Paresseuses”


The word “paresseux” has its origins in the Old French term “parrecious,” which means “inert” or “lazy.” Over the centuries, it evolved into “paresseux” to describe a person or thing characterized by sloth or idleness. The word originally came from the Latin “pigritia,” which means “laziness” or “apathy.”

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