

The French word “un échantillon,” means “a sample.” Meanings of “Échantillon” Examples of Use Etymology: The Old French term “eschantillon” is the origin of the modern French word “échantillon.” The old French word dates back to 1260 in the earliest record of its usage. It comes from the Latin vulgate word “scandiculum” meaning “scale,” “gauge”…

le parti & la partie

le parti & la partie

Homonyms are words that share the same spelling or pronunciation but have different meanings. In this article, we’ll delve into two French homonyms: “parti” and “partie.” Meaning and Usage 1. Le parti: 2. La partie: Etymology 1. Le Parti: Latin Origin: The word “parti” has its roots in the Latin word “partitus,” which is the…

les chiens aboient et la caravane passe

les chiens aboient et la caravane passe

The French saying “les chiens aboient et la caravane passe” translates literally as “the dogs bark and the caravan passes.” What it really means is “your insults don’t reach me,” or “I am sure of myself and you cannot prove otherwise.” The saying is originally of Arabic origin. In the Middle East and in North…

verb: se moquer de

verb: se moquer de

Etymology of “Se Moquer De” The verb “se moquer de” finds its roots in Old French, where the word “mocquer” meant “to mock” or “to make fun of.” Over time, this verb evolved, and the reflexive form “se moquer de” emerged. Usage of “Se Moquer De”

Grammar: Verb Negation

Grammar: Verb Negation

An affirmative statement is a normal statement like “I go to the shop.” A negative statement is the opposite: “I don’t go to the shop.” Affirmation = positive, while Negation = negative. Let’s look at the various ways to make a verb negative in French. 1. Ne…pas “Ne…pas” is the most common negation form in…

payer au lance-pierres

payer au lance-pierres

The French expression “payer au lance-pierres” translates literally as “to pay with a slingshot,” but it means “to underpay.” The saying dates to the end of the 19th century, when slingshots made from rubber become more popular, thanks to improvements in rubber chemistry. The expression originally came from another saying “avec un lance-pierres,” which translated…

grammar: adjective position

grammar: adjective position

In French, adjectives can be positioned either before or after the noun they describe. Each placement has a different meaning. While most adjectives come after the noun, certain adjectives are usually placed before it. Adjectives Placed Before the Noun French has several categories of adjectives that are commonly placed before the noun. These include: 1….

verb: suivre

verb: suivre

I. Meanings of “Suivre” 1. To Follow:The most common usage of “suivre” is to indicate following someone or something. For example: 2. To Follow a Course:“Suivre” can also be used to describe tracking or taking a course of action, such as following a recipe or a study program: 3. To Keep Up With:In contexts involving…

tenir la jambe

tenir la jambe

The French saying “tenir la jambe” means literally “to hold the leg.” What it means figuratively is “to hold someone back or to delay someone by saying lots of boring or irrelevant things to them.” This conjures up images of trying to get away from someone who insists on telling you something, even though you…