
The French verb “arroser” means “to sprinkle,” “to water,” “to spray” or “to douse.” A reflexive version, “s’arroser,” also exists, usually referring to the consumption of alcohol.

arroser examples

  • Je vais arroser les fleurs dans le jardin. (I am going to water the flowers in the garden.)
  • Une région bien arrosée (A region with a lot of rainfall)
  • Il a arrosé son discours de quelques anecdotes humoristiques. (He sprinkled his speech with a few humorous anecdotes.)
  • Nous allons arroser notre victoire avec du champagne. (We are going to celebrate our victory with champagne.)
  • Arroser quelque chose de ses larmes (To bathe something with one’s tears)

s’arroser examples

  • ça s’arrose (that calls for a drink)
  • Un succès comme ça doit s’arroser au champagne (Such success calls for champagne)


The verb “arroser” is derived from the Latin words “ad,” meaning “to,” and “ros,” meaning “dew” or “moisture.”

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