hypothetical situations in the past

Regrets & recriminations

In French, when expressing regrets (about what could have been) or recriminations (blaming someone for what they should have done), we use the plus-que-parfait in the “si” clause and the past conditional (conditionnel passé) in the result clause.


  • Si + plus-que-parfait → conditionnel passé
  • OR: Conditionnel passé → si + plus-que-parfait

This construction is used to describe hypothetical situations in the past that did not happen and their imagined consequences.

Example Sentences:

  1. Si tu avais étudié plus, tu aurais réussi l’examen.
    (If you had studied more, you would have passed the exam.)
  2. Tu aurais réussi l’examen si tu avais étudié plus.
    (You would have passed the exam if you had studied more.)
  3. Si elle m’avait appelé, je serais venue l’aider.
    (If she had called me, I would have come to help her.)
  4. Je serais venue l’aider si elle m’avait appelé.
    (I would have come to help her if she had called me.)
  5. Si nous avions pris un taxi, nous ne serions pas arrivés en retard.
    (If we had taken a taxi, we wouldn’t have arrived late.)
  6. Nous ne serions pas arrivés en retard si nous avions pris un taxi.
    (We wouldn’t have arrived late if we had taken a taxi.)
  7. Si tu m’avais écouté, tu n’aurais pas fait cette erreur.
    (If you had listened to me, you wouldn’t have made this mistake.)
  8. Tu n’aurais pas fait cette erreur si tu m’avais écouté.
    (You wouldn’t have made this mistake if you had listened to me.)

Key Takeaways:

  • The “si” clause always takes the plus-que-parfait (pluperfect) because it describes an unrealized past event.
  • The result clause takes the past conditional (conditionnel passé) to express what would have happened if the condition had been met.
  • The “si” clause can either come first or second without changing the meaning of the sentence.
  • This structure is frequently used to express regrets (what we wish had happened) and recriminations (what someone should have done).

More Examples of Regrets and Recriminations:

  1. Si j’avais su, je ne serais pas allé à cette soirée.
    (If I had known, I wouldn’t have gone to that party.)
  2. Si vous aviez écouté les instructions, vous auriez compris plus vite.
    (If you had listened to the instructions, you would have understood more quickly.)
  3. Si on avait réservé plus tôt, on aurait eu de meilleures places.
    (If we had booked earlier, we would have had better seats.)
  4. Il aurait fait plus chaud si nous avions fermé la fenêtre.
    (It would have been warmer if we had closed the window.)

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