
The French verb “charger” has a variety of different meanings. It can mean to load, to charge, to make responsible for, to bring evidence against, or to launch an attack.

To load

  • “Il faut charger les valises dans la voiture avant le départ.” (We need to load the suitcases into the car before departure.)

To charge

  • “N’oublie pas de charger ton portable avant de partir.” (Don’t forget to charge your phone before leaving.)

To give someone the responsibility for

  • il l’a chargé de répondre au téléphone (he gave her the responsibility for answering the phone.)

To load (a weapon)

  • “Il doit charger son fusil avant de partir à la chasse.” (He must load his rifle before going hunting.)

To bring/give evidence against

  • Pour sauver sa peau, il a chargé son propre frère au procès. (To save his skin, he gave evidence against his own brother at the trial.)

To launch an attack

  • La cavalerie chargea au petit matin. (The cavalry charged early in the morning.)


“Charger” comes from the Latin verb “carricare,” which originally meant “to load onto a chariot.” “Carrus” was the Latin word for chariot and was the origin of the verb “carricare.”

In Old French, “charger” existed in forms such as “carger” and “chargier,” before eventually becoming “charger.”

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