verb: se plaindre

“Se plaindre” means “to complain,” “to whinge” or “to moan.”

Conjugations in Present Tense and Passé Composé:

Present tense:

  • Je me plains (I complain)
  • Tu te plains (You complain)
  • Il/elle se plaint (He/she complains)
  • Nous nous plaignons (We complain)
  • Vous vous plaignez (You complain)
  • Ils/elles se plaignent (They complain)

Passé composé tense:

  • J’ai me suis plaint(e) (I complained)
  • Tu t’es plaint(e) (You complained)
  • Il/elle s’est plaint(e) (He/she complained)
  • Nous nous sommes plaint(e)s (We complained)
  • Vous vous êtes plaint(e)s (You complained)
  • Ils/elles se sont plaint(e)s (They complained)


The origin of “se plaindre” can be traced back to Latin, where the root “plangere” meant “to lament” or “to beat one’s chest.”

Idiomatic Expressions and Usage:

  1. Se plaindre comme un(e) malade: Literally meaning “to complain like a sick person,” this expression conveys excessive complaining.
  2. Ne pas se plaindre de: Translating to “not to complain about,” this phrase is used to express contentment or satisfaction with a situation.
  3. Se plaindre pour le plaisir de se plaindre: This idiom highlights complaining for the sake of complaining, suggesting a certain enjoyment in expressing dissatisfaction.

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