part vs partie

The French nouns “la part” and “la partie” both relate to the idea of a portion or a part of something, but they are used in different contexts and have distinct meanings.

1. La Part

  • Meaning: “La part” refers to a share, portion, or slice of something, often in the context of division or distribution. It emphasizes the idea of something being allocated or separated from a whole.
  • Usage: It is commonly used when talking about portions of food, shares of responsibility, or parts of a whole that are being divided.
  • Examples:
  • Je veux ma part du gâteau.
    (I want my share of the cake.)
  • Chacun doit faire sa part du travail.
    (Everyone must do their part of the work.)
  • Il a pris une grande part de la responsabilité.
    (He took a large share of the responsibility.)
  • La part de marché de l’entreprise a augmenté.
    (The company’s market share has increased.)

2. La Partie

  • Meaning: “La partie” refers to a section, part, or component of something, often in the context of a whole that is made up of distinct elements. It can also refer to a game, match, or activity.
  • Usage: It is used when talking about parts of a whole that are not necessarily divided or shared, or when referring to games or activities.
  • Examples:
  • La partie supérieure de la maison est peinte en bleu.
    (The upper part of the house is painted blue.)
  • Nous avons visité une partie de la ville.
    (We visited part of the city.)
  • Il a gagné la première partie du match.
    (He won the first part of the game.)
  • On fait une partie de cartes ?
    (Shall we play a game of cards?)

Key Differences

AspectLa PartLa Partie
MeaningA share, portion, or slice.A section, component, or game.
ContextDivision, distribution, allocation.Parts of a whole, games, activities.
ExamplesUne part de gâteau (a slice of cake).Une partie de la ville (part of the city).

Common Phrases

  • “La part”:
    • Prendre part à (to take part in).
      Example: Il a pris part à la discussion.
      (He took part in the discussion.)
    • Faire la part des choses (to distinguish between things).
      Example: Il faut faire la part des choses.
      (We need to distinguish between things.)
  • “La partie”:
    • Partie intégrante (an integral part).
      Example: C’est une partie intégrante du projet.
      (It’s an integral part of the project.)
    • Partie de plaisir (a fun activity).
      Example: Cette excursion était une vraie partie de plaisir.
      (This outing was a real pleasure.)


  • Use “la part” when referring to a share, portion, or slice of something that is divided or allocated.
  • Use “la partie” when referring to a section, component, or part of a whole, or when talking about games or activities.

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