dormir, endormir, rendormir

The French verbs dormir, endormir, and rendormir all relate to sleep but have distinct meanings and uses. They can be used in their transitive, intransitive, or pronominal forms.

1. Dormir (to sleep)

  • Meaning: To sleep.
  • Form: Intransitive (does not take a direct object).
  • Etymology: From Latin dormire, meaning “to sleep.”


  • Present:
    Je dors, tu dors, il dort, nous dormons, vous dormez, ils dorment.
  • Passé Composé:
    J’ai dormi, tu as dormi, il a dormi, nous avons dormi, vous avez dormi, ils ont dormi.


  • Je dors huit heures par nuit.
    (I sleep eight hours a night.)
  • Hier, j’ai dormi jusqu’à midi.
    (Yesterday, I slept until noon.)

2. Endormir (to put to sleep, to fall asleep)

  • Meaning:
  • Transitive: To put someone or something to sleep.
  • Pronominal (s’endormir): To fall asleep.
  • Etymology: From Latin in- (into) + dormire (to sleep).


  • Present:
    J’endors, tu endors, il endort, nous endormons, vous endormez, ils endorment.
  • Passé Composé:
    J’ai endormi, tu as endormi, il a endormi, nous avons endormi, vous avez endormi, ils ont endormi.


  • Transitive:
    La musique endort le bébé.
    (The music puts the baby to sleep.)
  • Pronominal:
    Je m’endors toujours devant la télé.
    (I always fall asleep in front of the TV.)
  • Hier, je me suis endormi à 22 heures.
    (Yesterday, I fell asleep at 10 p.m.)

3. Rendormir (to put back to sleep, to fall back asleep)

  • Meaning:
  • Transitive: To put someone or something back to sleep.
  • Pronominal (se rendormir): To fall back asleep.
  • Etymology: From Latin re- (again) + dormire (to sleep).


  • Present:
    Je rendors, tu rendors, il rendort, nous rendormons, vous rendormez, ils rendorment.
  • Passé Composé:
    J’ai rendormi, tu as rendormi, il a rendormi, nous avons rendormi, vous avez rendormi, ils ont rendormi.


  • Transitive:
    Elle a rendormi son enfant après le cauchemar.
    (She put her child back to sleep after the nightmare.)
  • Pronominal:
    Je me suis rendormi après le bruit.
    (I fell back asleep after the noise.)

Key Differences:

  • Dormir: Simply means “to sleep.”
  • Endormir: Focuses on the act of falling asleep or making someone sleep.
  • Rendormir: Focuses on returning to sleep or making someone sleep again.

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