The “passé composé” means the “compound past.” It is called the compound past because it is made up of two verbs put together into a compound form. Eg “I do” is the present tense and it is called a simple tense, because it only has one verb. But “I have done” is a compound tense because it contains two verbs – “have” and “done.”
English equivalents (eg: to speak)
I have spoken, I spoke, I did speak You (informal) have spoken, you spoke, you did speak He has spoken, he spoke, he did speak We have spoken, we spoke, we did speak You (plural/formal) have spoken, you spoke, you did speak They have spoken, they spoke, they did speak
How to form the Passé Composé
First part
Second part
Present tense of “avoir”
Past participle of other verb
How to find the Past Participle of a regular verb
Regular “-er” verbs
Start with the infinitive (eg “parler” to speak)
Delete the “r” at the end of the infinitive (“parle”)
Change the final “e” to “é” (e with an acute accent)
Parler becomes “parlé” (spoken/spoke/did speak)
The past participle of “-er” verbs sounds exactly the same as the infinitive, even though it is spelt differently.
Regular “-ir” verbs
Start with the infinitive (eg “finir” to finish)
Delete the “r” at the end of the infinitive (“fini”)
Finir becomes “fini” (finished)
Regular “-re” verbs
Start with the infinitive (eg “vendre” to sell)
Delete the “-re” at the end of the infinitive (“vend”)
Add “u” to the end (vendu)
Vendre becomes “vendu” (sold)
Parler in the Passé Composé
Present tense of avoir
Past Participle
parlé (spoke/spoken)
j’ai parlé
I have spoken, I spoke, I did speak
tu as
parlé (spoke/spoken)
tu as parlé
you have spoken, you spoke, you did speak
il a
parlé (spoke/spoken)
il a parlé
he has spoken, he spoke, he did speak
nous avons
parlé (spoke/spoken)
nous avons parlé
we have spoken, we spoke, we did speak
ils ont
parlé (spoke/spoken)
ils ont parlé
they have spoken, they spoke, they did speak
Finir in the Passé Composé
Present tense of avoir
Past Participle
fini (finished)
j’ai fini
I have finished, I finished, I did finish
tu as
fini (finished)
tu as fini
you have finished, you finished, you did finish
il a
fini (finished)
il a fini
he has finished, he finished, he did finish
nous avons
fini (finished)
nous avons fini
we have finished, we finished, we did finish
ils ont
fini (finished)
ils ont fini
they have finished, they finished, they did finish
The French word “devant” can be used as a preposition, as an adverb, or as a noun. Preposition As a preposition, “devant” means “in front of,” “ahead of” or “before.” Adverb As an adverb, “devant” means “in front,” “at the front,” or “ahead.” Noun As a masculine noun, “le devant” means “the front.”
In French, there are many nouns that have the same sound but different genders and meanings. Here’s a list of some examples: These nouns are homophones, which are words that sound the same but have different meanings and genders.
The Imperfect verb tense (l’imparfait) in French is used to express continuous action in the past. If we use the English verb “to give” as an example, the meanings of the French Imperfect version of this verb would be “I was giving,” “I used to give,” “I kept on giving,” or even “I gave.” There…
The French phrase “il se peut que” is commonly used in everyday conversation to express possibility or uncertainty. In English, it translates to “it may be that” or “it is possible that.” This phrase is often followed by a verb in the subjunctive mood, which is used to convey doubt, possibility, or uncertainty. Breaking Down…
Meaning The primary meaning of the French verb “râler” is “to grumble” or “to complain.” It is used to express dissatisfaction, annoyance, or frustration, often in a vocal or audible manner. However, “râler” can take on several additional meanings depending on the context: Conjugation “Râler” belongs to the group of regular “-er” verbs, and its…