la mouche du coche

la mouche du coche

“La mouche du coche” is a French saying that literally translates as “the fly of the coach.” It means someone who is useless but imagines they are not, or someone who becomes agitated without providing any real help, or a know-it-all. This expression is usually preceded by the verb “faire” (to make, to do) or…

à huis clos

à huis clos

“à huis clos” is a French saying that means in private, with all doors closed, in secret. It is an expression dating from the middle of the 16th century, meaning “with doors closed.” “Huis” is an old 11th century word for door, now replaced by the word “porte.” The original word for door was “us,”…

un mécène

un mécène

“Un mécène” is not a saying, but a normal French word with an ancient origin. The French word “un mécène” means a sponsor or a benefactor, usually of the arts or sometimes of the sciences. It can refer to a person or an enterprise who provides such sponsorship or funding to artistic/scientific individuals or organisations….