Pour ta gouverne

Pour ta gouverne

This expression means “for your information,” “for information,” “in order to teach you how to conduct yourself in a situation,” “to inform you,” or “for information.” The word “gouverne” is related to governing and government. It dates back to the 12th century, but in the 18th century took the meaning of “serving as a rule…

Faire vinaigre

Faire vinaigre

“Faire vinaigre” means literally to “make vinegar.” What could “make vinegar” possibly mean? It means to hurry up, to go faster. It’s also used by kids playing jump rope to indicate that they want the rope holders to turn the rope faster. The jump rope usage gives a clue as to the origin of this…


Occupe-toi de tes oignons

Literally this expression means “occupy yourself with your onions.” But it translates into English as “Mind your own business.” It is sometimes abbreviated to “c’est pas tes oignons” or simply “pas tes oignons” (none of your business, or “not your onions”). One theory as to the origin of this expression comes from the word “l’oigne,” which…