Grammar: Irregular verbs

Here are the 19 most important irregular verbs to know in French. They are important because they are very frequently used. They are also important to know because many exist in compound form (eg, venir is used in the compound forms revenir, devenir, prévenir, provenir, convenir, survenir and advenir, among others). Since these 19 verbs are irregular, the way they are conjugated doesn’t follow the rules of regular verbs. (Conjugation: using the appropriate spellings of the verb to match I, you, he/she/it/one/etc, we, you and they).

If you’re wondering why such frequently used verbs are also so irregular, it is because verbs that are used more frequently tend to undergo more changes over the centuries. Less frequently used verbs experience fewer changes, and so tend to follow regular conjugation patterns.

Verbs at the top of this list are more frequently used than verbs at the bottom of this list. So focus on learning the first nine (9) verbs at the top of the list before working on the later ones. These are être, avoir, faire, aller, venir, devoir, pouvoir, vouloir and savoir.

If you don’t know what “past participle” and “conjugated with” and “future simple stem” means, because you haven’t yet learned the Passé Composé tense or the Future Simple tense, please ignore those parts. Just focus on learning the je, tu, il, nous, vous, and ils forms of each verb.

Intermediate topics:

Notice that the “they” form (ils) of the first four irregular verbs end in “-ont.” “Être” is “ils sont,” “avoir” is “ils ont,” “faire” is “ils font,” and “aller” is “ils vont.” These are the only verbs in French ending in “ont” in the “ils” form.

Notice also that the “vous” forms of “être,” “faire,” and “dire” do NOT end in “-ez” like all other verbs in French (eg vous avez, vous allez, etc). Instead they end in “-tes.” So “you are” is “vous êtes,” “you do” is “vous faites” and “you say” is “vous dites.” These are the only three verbs in the French language where the “vous” form ends in “-tes.”

Many irregular verbs are also used in compound forms (eg “venir” is used in “revenir”), which are also conjugated similarly to the original verb. For example, “venir” (to come) gives us “revenir” (to come back/again), and “prendre” (to take) gives us “comprendre” (to understand).

Many of these irregular verbs have their past participle ending in the letter “u,” even though very few of them are verbs whose infinitives end in “-re.” Regular verbs like “vendre” and “attendre” have their past participle ending in “u.” “Vendre” becomes “vendu” in the past (sold) and “attendre” becomes “attendu” in the past (waited for/awaited). But all the irregular verbs ending in “-oir” have their past participle ending in “u,” along with a few other irregular verbs.

List of irregular verbs

êtreto bepast participle
je suisnous sommesété
tu esvous êtesconjugated with
il estils sontavoir [eg j’ai été]
future simple stem
ser- [eg je serai]
avoirto havepast participle
j’anous avonseu
tu asvous avezconjugated with
il ails ontavoir [eg j’ai eu]
future simple stem
aur- [eg j’aurai]
faireto do, makepast participle
je faisnous faisonsfait
tu faisvous faitesconjugated with
il faitils fontavoir [eg j’ai fait]
future simple stem
fer- [eg je ferai]
allerto gopast participle
je vaisnous allonsallé
tu vasvous allezconjugated with
il vails vontêtre [eg je suis allé]
future simple stem
ir- [eg j’irai]
venirto comepast participle
je viensnous venonsvenu
tu viensvous venezconjugated with
il vientils viennentêtre [eg je suis venu]
future simple stem
viendr- [eg je viendrai]
devoirto have to, mustpast participle
je doisnous devons
tu doisvous devezconjugated with
il doitils doiventavoir [eg j’ai dû]
future simple stem
devr- [eg je devrai]
pouvoirto be able, canpast participle
je peuxnous pouvonspu
tu peuxvous pouvezconjugated with
il peutils peuventavoir [eg j’ai pu]
future simple stem
pourr- [eg je pourrai]
vouloirto wantpast participle
je veuxnous voulonsvoulu
tu veuxvous voulezconjugated with
il veutils veulentavoir [eg j’ai voulu]
future simple stem
voudr- [eg je voudrai]
savoirto know, know howpast participle
je saisnous savonssu
tu saisvous savezconjugated with
il saitils saventavoir [eg j’ai su]
future simple stem
saur- [eg je saurai]
voirto seepast participle
je voisnous voyonsvu
tu voisvous voyezconjugated with
il voitils voientavoir [eg j’ai vu]
future simple stem
verr- [eg je verrai]
connaîtreto know (be familiar with)past participle
je connaisnous connaissonsconnu
tu connaisvous connaissezconjugated with
il connaîtils connaissentavoir [eg j’ai connu]
future simple stem
connaîtr- [eg je connaîtrai]
prendreto takepast participle
je prendsnous prenonspris
tu prendsvous prenezconjugated with
il prendils prennentavoir [eg j’ai pris]
future simple stem
prendr- [eg je prendrai]
mettreto putpast participle
je metsnous mettonsmis
tu metsvous mettezconjugated with
il metils mettentavoir [eg j’ai mis]
future simple stem
mettr- [eg je mettrai]
direto say, tellpast participle
je disnous disonsdit
tu disvous ditesconjugated with
il ditils disentavoir [eg j’ai dit]
future simple stem
dir- [eg je dirai]
partirto leave, departpast participle
je parsnous partonsparti
tu parsvous partezconjugated with
il partils partentêtre [eg je suis parti]
future simple stem
partir- [eg je partirai]
boireto drinkpast participle
je boisnous buvonsbu
tu boisvous buvezconjugated with
il boitils boiventavoir [eg j’ai bu]
future simple stem
boir- [eg je boirai]
ouvrirto openpast participle
j’ouvrenous ouvronsouvert
tu ouvresvous ouvrezconjugated with
il ouvreils ouvrentavoir [eg j’ai ouvert]
future simple stem
ouvrir [eg j’ouvrirai]
courirto runpast participle
je coursnous couronscouru
tu coursvous courezconjugated with
il courtils courentavoir [eg j’ai couru]
future simple stem
courir- [eg je courirai]
recevoirto receivepast participle
je reçoisnous recevonsreçu
tu reçoisvous recevezconjugated with
il reçoitils reçoiventavoir [eg j’ai reçu]
future simple stem
recevr- [eg je recevrai]
vivreto livepast participle
je visnous vivonsvécu
tu visvous vivezconjugated with
il vitils viventavoir [eg j’ai vécu]
future simple stem
vivr- [eg je vivrai]

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